Stay At Home ... What??

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I refuse to label myself a “Stay At Home Mom” and so should you. I bring this up for a multitude of reasons. Being a so-called SAHM (yes, I love creating & using acronyms) hardly involves staying at home unless people refer to the time the Mom in question is asleep because she’s most certainly asleep At Home!!! 


Please don’t misunderstand me because my husband is a very supportive & loving partner as well as an exceptionally involved father, so by no means am I complaining here. However, TMIQ (The Mom In Question) in most cases wakes up before everyone else does in the household, organizes/preps breakfast/snacks/lunches, runs a million errands, makes sure everything is in order at home and the kid(s) school(s)/extra curricular activity schedule, makes/takes to doctor/dentist/orthodontist/on-occasion-ER visits, while mentally writing the grocery list in her mind because given all the above mentioned to-dos on her list she’s not been able to make it to the grocery store yet to get ingredients for the evening meal plus all the pantry items that need replenishing. And god forbid if the “kids have a dog” be prepared to do EVERYTHING for the dog which will become the “SAHM’s dog” within a week of you acquiring it because no one has the time to tend to her or him (the dog). Laugh all you want, but I swear it's true! BTW, we don’t have a dog so I’m basing this on hearsay:) And thus, the multi-tasking and juggling continues…. I can go on with my rant but then I’ll start sounding bitter which I promise I am not ... I promise!


What does miff me (and that's putting it mildly), though, is when people ask me what I do all day? Oh literally nothing - I sleep in, leisurely walk around the house in my sexy lingerie, watch tv (I swear people often declare that I must have plenty of TV watching time during the day), attend 3 hour yoga/pilates classes with my hot trainer (I wish, although my pilates instructor is a very pretty young gal whom I adore to bits so no insult towards her – love ya, D) and have long lengthy lunches with my girlfriends (Ok, I do love those lunches with my girlfriends now and then esp. because the kids are so much more independent now which opens up my day a bit). However, that is not the point and I'm certainly not going to sit here and justify myself or my lovely lunches.


As things are evolving at breakneck speed in and around our lives, IMHO (oh another one of my favs.) we need to stop using the term SAHM. I truly, LOVE looking after my kids, husband and home and have opted to do so of my own accord. Yes, of course I am very fortunate in that I don’t have to work for a living but being a mom is a pretty darn hard job too where (about to sound rather harsh) there is absolutely no monetary reward or salary of sorts and the nature of the job is such that it can continue into the wee hours of the night and on weekends AND on vacation. I remember when the kids were very young and we would go away to Hawaii or Mexico, I would inevitably joke (not really) that I needed a real vacation after that vacation.


So, in the spirit of being honest and blunt and always a stirrer, for HEAVEN’S SAKE refrain from calling me and my fellow comrades SAHMs! Feel free to refer to me/them as “Running All Over Town At Least Three Times A Day Mom” or as you guessed it, RAOTALTTADM, if you must. Although, I’m excited to report that I’m turning into a Part Time RAOTALTTADM since I’ve been taking on a few projects in reference to my blogger/influencer/brand ambassador role and have even resuscitated my modeling career with a campaign I recently did for a company last month. Of course, a fun blog post with LOTS of pics to come in that reference. In the meanwhile, here are some of my favorite pics that Ricci took in North Beach some time back. Yup, that was after my day of leisure and hours and hours of yoga and a lunch and plenty of TV watching – NOT.  All righty then, TTFN:))


Thank you as always for visiting my blog and for taking out the time to read my posts🙏🏽

Lots and lots of love from the stirrer;) Hugs, Sobia

A special thank you as always to my dearest Ricci of  rustandflourish for these colorful pics! 

Skirt - Giambattista Valli - Net a Porter Similar skirt here and here on Sale and Here on sale and Here

Boots - YSL - similar Here and Here and Here